Multi-Million Dollar Club Award Categories
Milestone Awards
Phoenix Award
The Board has established the Phoenix Award to be presented to members of the Multi-Million Dollar Club who have qualified for any ten (10) years in a Board of REALTORS® Multi-Million Dollar Club. Current year Phoenix Award winners will receive special recognition. Members have the opportunity to purchase this special award in addition to the plaque that is presented by the MMDC.
Crystal Phoenix Award
The Board has established the Crystal Phoenix Award to be presented to members of the Multi-Million Dollar Club who have qualified for any fifteen (15) years in a Board of REALTORS® Multi-Million Dollar Club. Current year Crystal Phoenix Award winners will receive special recognition. Members have the opportunity to purchase this special award in addition to the plaque that is presented by the MMDC.
Platinum Phoenix Award
The Board has established the Platinum Phoenix Award to be presented to members of the Multi-Million Dollar Sales Club who have qualified for any twenty (20) years in a Board of REALTORS®. Current year Platinum Phoenix Award winners will receive special recognition.
Diamond Phoenix Award
The Board has established the Diamond Phoenix Award to be presented to members of the Multi-Million Dollar Sales Club who have qualified for any twenty-five (25) years in a Board of REALTORS®. Current year Silver Phoenix Award winners will receive special recognition.
Gold Phoenix Award
The Board has established the Gold Phoenix Award to be presented to members of the Multi-Million Dollar Sales Club who have qualified for any thirty (30) years in a Board of REALTORS®. Current year Gold Phoenix Award winners will receive special recognition.
The Multi-Million Dollar Club Luncheon is an event held to honor those REALTORS® with 2 million dollars or more in residential sales. The Luncheon is an excellent opportunity for newer REALTORS® to witness the rewards of being a dedicated professional in the real estate industry. It is also an opportunity to shake hands with and get to know the industry leaders of your chosen field.
MMDC membership is based on an annual application process. It occurs once a year, in the Winter. Membership applications based on last year’s production are open during the month of January. The minimum volume is $2,000,000 in accumulative gross sales or leases. The deadline to apply is January 31st by 5 pm.
The Multi-Million Dollar Club is exclusively for those licensed under the Georgia Real Estate Commission and a REALTOR® member of the Cobb Association of REALTORS®. Please review the rules here.